Movie Review- Deadpool 2

It’s been a while since I have posted a review of a film but I have been meaning to share my review of Fox’s latest Marvel anti-hero film, Deadpool 2. The first film caused quite a shock to the film industry when it broke a record as the largest opening in the month of February (Before Black Panther) and the biggest opening for a rated R film.  Deadpool is a passion project for the lead, Ryan Reynolds who had to sway Fox into making this film.

I have to admit. I was not a huge fan of the first film. I thought the effects were cheesy and story line lacking. It seemed more or less seemed like an excuse to just introduce a new character and pick up on the excitement of the MCU.  It was different because they choose to go the irreverent Rated R route but for me, it wasn’t enough for me.  My friends loved it but maybe I just couldn’t get over the “breaking the 4th wall” thingy.  And truth be told, I usually don’t like origin films.  In most cases directors focus so much on the origin and not an actual story.

Now having said all that, I truly enjoyed Deadpool 2.  The cheesy special effects, gone.  The lacking story line, gone.  The “breaking the 4th wall” well not gone but reduced.  The pop culture references, on point.  Deadpool follows the anti-hero Wade Wilson/Deadpool as he is a paid assassin but only takes on bad people.  His lady love is caught in the cross fire of one of his recent mark.  After her death, Deadpool spends his time getting over it at the Xmen mansion.  At the mansion, Deadpool tries to become something more, become one of the Xmen.  Through a series of events, Deadpool becomes a prisoner at a prison made for mutants and roommate to a mutant who is set on a path of death and destruction.

One of the pleasant surprises of Deadpool 2 is the addition of long time Marvel favorite Cable.  Played by Josh Brolin (Also plays Thanos), Cable is a time traveling soldier who travels through time to kill the mutant who kills his family.  Unfortunately, that mutant is Deadpool’s new found “friend”.  This movies shows the evolution Deadpool must go through in order to arise to the ranks of a true hero.  He assembles a version of the X-Force and realizes the point of self sacrifice.  One of the cast members who steals the show is Atlanta’s own Zazie Beetz.  She plays a member of X-Force known as Domino.  Her mutant power is luck and provides some of the special effects lead comedic shots in the film.

Like its predecessor, Deadpool 2 is not for the little ones.  It is wall to wall with action, character development of Deadpool and Cable, and laughter.  This make watching the first movie with it.  Unfortunately, this film’s box office results are impacted by this summers real block buster, Marvel’s Avengers:  Infinity War.  If your old enough to handle the violence and vulgar language, go see this film.