Movie Review: Lion King

As we all have seen, Disney is re-releasing a lot of their older IP. They are doing this for a few reasons. 1) They are bringing in a new generation of children into their world. 2) Their IP is approaching entering the public domain, so this will push the clock out a bit. 3) Their IP can make money and it is cheap to re-make. I saw this film a week after the release. As of today, the movie has grossed 1.2 billion dollars worldwide. The film only cost 250 million and most of that cost was marketing. All in all, Disney has grossed 8.6 billion worldwide in this model of re-releasing old IP. This is the 13th film in the series. The last three reached 3.5 billion on their own. When you add that to the take Marvel has made this year, Disney Films are in the green.

I was 14 when the cartoon version was released and it was a game-changer. As I have stated numerous times before, I watched a lot of movies growing up. Leading up to the release the trailer for lion king was that classic opening scene with that great song circle of life. We saw the evolution of special effects and animation but were in awe of this majestic scene. I went to the theatre three times to watch this movie. I will admit we had a dollar theatre in town so it was affordable. I loved that movie. My family purchased the VHS and I watched it several times. I say all that to tell you, this movie was not enough of a leap for me.

Lion King 2019 is the second live animation film by Disney and Ironman director John Favreau. The first film, Jungle Book, was great. I think the appeal of this new technology is over for me. In addition, the time between Jungle Book cartoon verse live-action was much longer than Lion King. That distance helps. Also, Jungle Book was not that great of an all and all film. This Lion King was a cinematic spectacle but I prefer the cartoon.

Critical Commentary:  You should go out and see this film with the understanding that the story was not enhanced.  The new vocal cast is not great.  I know this might upset the “hive” but Beyonce made it seems a little worse.  I would also say, casting Donald Glover as Simba did nothing for the character.  Because of my love for Dan Harmon’s Community, it seemed like Troy playing Simba and just comical.  I did appreciate that Disney kept the music very similar.  This version will not make it in my collection but I have a renewed love of the 1994 version and will be adding it to my Vudu Library.